Monday, August 15, 2011

Exercise A.D.D and a Century Ride

If you read my blog, you have probably figured out that I have exercise A.D.D. I am always all over the place. With that said I have a PLAN! I am participating in a century bike ride in Davis on October 15th. It’s not a race, but it is 100 miles. The problem is I am not really in shape beings it will take 7-10 hours to complete, and I haven’t been on a road bike in four years. Today starts my “official” training but I did get on the road yesterday and it wasn’t pretty. Think going down a VERY steep hill, panic attack kind of not pretty. Luckily I have almost 9 weeks to get ready. I am going to keep an update of my training, you know for a little accountability. I might even keep a little food journaling going too because ideally I would like to be 10 pounds liter. Umm well see, because I prefer to live in denial when it comes to what I eat. And I do love Insanity and will keep it in my training, just not every day.  My plan is to cross train but get some SERIOUS time in the saddle (spin, mountain, and road bikes).
So day 1:
Hour spin class morning (HR range 75-95)
Hour spin class evening (HR range 65-85)
Hour trail/mountain ride with the family (forgot monitor)

Wish me luck!

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