Thursday, February 2, 2012

Change of Plans…….

Okay so I change my mind more than I change my underwear. What can I say, I’m a girl and it’s my Prerogative (love the BS rendition). I am giving up on Wednesday weigh ins. Why, because I start off good, think about how awesome my pants are fitting then I weigh myself. The scale NEVER tells me what I want to hear (what? Your scale doesn’t talk to you?), so good bye scale. This love affair is over. You see, when the scale doesn’t tell me what a rockstar I am, it makes me sad, and makes me eat like crud!

Look at how mature I am being about this, usually not my style. I swear by the scale, I have ALWAYS said that the number on the scale is all that matters. Guess what, it doesn’t. Give me a few months weeks days, and I will be punishing myself yet again…..

In more important news, my 12k training is ROCKING. Are you ready Ginny?? ( I don’t think she reads this) Even with sickos in the house. I have stepped back my speed (can it be called that?) and can now run my 3 miles without walking. Big deal? Yes it is. I have been warming up and cooling down too. I must be growing up, nope I just really DO NOT want another injury. I am running every other day, cross training and *sigh* strength training. And my diet? It could be worse. I have just been eating less of the tasties and more of the veggies.

Did I tell you that one of my besties from AZ is coming to visit next weekend so I am POSITIVE that we will undo all of this work. I’m cool with it, love that girl!!! D.H and they kids will do their thing while we eat, drink, and be merry. Speaking of D.H. he has been out of town all week. Even though we have spent close to half (maybe ½) of our married life a part (thank you military) I am no longer use to it. It has been almost a year since he has gotten out and nearly two since the big A (Afghanistan). Come home, we need you!!!! I am not sure why I am talking to him on here because I know he doesn’t read my blog. L  I am so glad that I have you all. AND I have questions tonight, yay!

Do you wear compression socks on long runs/races? If you do, what brand?

If you are not a runner- Do you want to run a race with me? I will come to you…


  1. I feel the same way about my scale. It's a love hate thing. They can make you so crazy and then when you think that you've screwed up it lies and tells you otherwise. I have not been listening to my scale lately. It makes me sad.

    I also don't want you to get hurt this time. I was quite worried during your last race. And afterwards wasn't fun for you. I hope that your adult approach to your upcoming races, you will have smooth sailing.

    I'm so glad Tara is coming to visit you. How fun! Then in two more months I will be visiting!

    1. Ugh, that was horrible. I swore I would NEVER race again. Let's hope I really did learn my lesson. I am so excited for you to come out too. We haven't had much of a winter, I figure it is waiting until May when you get here :)

  2. I am a fiar weather jogger. I always feel good after-its the starting that is my stumbling block. Ginny and I will be doing the climb for air in March-thats 52 flights of stairs in San Francisco in March. I have started using the stair mill at the gym and my calves are killing me. Keep moving forward it is all good. Isnt's it wierd when you think you have done awsome the scale doesn't show it and when you think you have screwed up it shows a loss-go figure!

    1. Ok next time I will use spell check!!

    2. That sounds like tons of fun. I am not sure I could do that many stairs. You girls better take pictures!!

      I have a Dr. appt this morning, and I am sure they will make me get on the scale. Even worse than weighing at home is weighing there when I have ALL of my clothes on. I will look, and then I am sure I will be sad. Oh well-

  3. I am a runner and by all means come to Canada :) and we can run together. I use tommie copper calf sleeves and knee sleeves for my long runs. I've never tried them, but I've heard Zensah socks are amazing!

    Oh and I didn't think you looked like you needed to lose weight but the scale is just awful. If you DO chose to go on it make sure it's first thing in the morning (after a pee) and naked :) lots of things impact scale weight, even water intake or salt.

    The best tool for weight loss (IMO) is to use a tape measure once a week b/c inches don't lie....but scales always do. Who knows you may actually be gaining weight from added muscle. but losing inches of fat!!!!! :D

    but you look amazing xoxox

    1. I want to run the two country race with you!!! Maybe I should play the lotto? If I win, I am there.

      Ugh, I really need to tape myself. Maybe I will tomorrow :)

    2. ya, the niagara race will be awesome!!!!!

  4. I think the scale tell lies anyway..sigh. I try not to wear socks ever I hate matching them. In the summer they are off limits to the kids unless they plan to wash them and match them without my help. I do wear socks when I run. That is the only time I wear my sneakers. I need to buy fancier socks for running, putting it on the to do list now.

    Run a race with you! Yes, motivate me I'll even meet you halfway!

    1. We should, where would that be? Any Vegas plans this year?

  5. SO FUN that your bestie came to visit. I completely agree about the scale...where is the rockstar meter on's not!! YAY for 3 miles straight, you are incredible!

    1. Thanks girl <--- I would totally add a heart like on facebook if I could! Love reading your blog, you are such an inspiration.
