Monday, February 27, 2012

A good run, and a bad workout...

I had an amazing run yesterday. I told you that D.H. is doing 30 day shred with me, right? Well yesterday morning he asked me if I would like to do it with him. He was doing level one but I figured why not. It felt great, after yesterday I really felt the need to move on to the next level. 

It was a run day, but it was super cold out so I waited till about 11:30 to go. It was a long week and I just felt the need to be outside. I was going to run 4 miles but I was feeling so good I decided to loop around and ended up with 5.6. Had I known I was that close to 6 I would have kept going. My time was pretty good too. I have to reassess a time or two to see if I was in pain or just uncomfortable. I have to constantly remind myself that it is okay to be uncomfortable, I should be if I am working out. Needless to say I feel like I had a bit of a breakthrough, yay me!

When I got back D.H. had lunch ready. Have I told you that I am always starving after running so I really like to finish around a meal time? A snack never seems like enough, but I am trying to cut back on calories. Problem solved! This is what I had, and it was AMAZING.

Okay that wasn’t enough so I had this too.

 Maybe this too-

Fast forward to today, my workout sucked. My knee is sore and a little swollen so I couldn’t spin today. I used this bad boy for 30 minutes.

I usually love this but was not feeling it. It hurt, I was tired and so on. Once I got home it was time for Shred. I decided to try level 2, it was horrible. I was in tears the entire time. I considered stopping but made myself push through. I am not going to lie, I didn’t give it 100 percent but I gave all I could today. I am not sure if it’s the level or my body is tired or what. I will probably try level 2 again tomorrow. I know it’s not all fun, but this was downright awful.  I’ll let you know how tomorrow goes.

Miss thing has a Dr. appointment today, other than that I plan to take it easy. Maybe a little blog stalking today? Yes I do believe so. Hope you all have a fantastic day-

1 comment:

  1. The stairmill is EVIL. That's all I can say! Go you for your run! I always have to assess whether the voice in my head telling me to stop - STOP RIGHT NOW BEFORE YOU DIE! - is seriously trying to tell me something's wrong, or if it's just a wuss. Most of the time, it's just a wuss. :)

    I like your food pictures! My goal is to be better and put in pictures in my blog to break up the word-ish monotony!

