Tuesday, March 20, 2012


If you are my facebook friend (for-real, friend me) you already know that I had my best run ever today. Heck yeah, I ran 3 miles in under 30 minutes (barely), finally!!! I wasn’t even planning on going fast, I was really going to just stretch my legs after taking two days off. I took a new route today, left the house and just went for it. I didn’t have music because my ipod was dead. Usually I would stay home and wait for it to charge but I was meeting a friend for coffee and needed to get going. I swear I LOVE listening to music, I am excited for it.  Results show that I actually run faster without it. I am going to have to make some changes. Maybe just use music on my long runs from now on?

Back to my fabulous run. I hit the first mile and when I went to press lap on my Garmin I realized that it only took me 10:38, which if you EVER read this blog you know my first mile is ALWAYS over 12. It felt good too, I didn’t feel like I was really pushing hard. So I picked it up of the second mile, and can you believe it I ran a 9:53. I was over the moon, but figured I didn’t have much more so I would slow down on the last mile. After about .10 in I realized that I could do it and decided to push as hard as I could. I was breathing super hard and probably couldn’t have said more than three words, but I ran the third mile in 9:22. Crazy, right? Needless to say this might have been my best run ever.

It probably went like this because I was music-less, and it probably helped that the race was finished. I have been so worried about running the 7 miles it was consuming me. I wasn’t sure I couldn’t do it without walk, and that I would let my SIL down (I hope I didn’t). It might also have something to do with the fact that I signed up for a half marathon the end of May. I would love to sub 2:00 (years ago I ran 2:06 (and hurt myself)) though I do not think it is possible by May. I have not had to best races, I will get into that another day.

I have also started to do something I never really do, or stick to if I do. Counting my calories, I don’t enjoy this but I have to do SOMETHING about my eating. The worst part is realizing how many calories I actually consume daily. I like to live in denial and counting my calories makes it really hard to do that. Wish me luck…… 



  1. Amanda - I am so proud of you and I hope you believe me when I say I am literally BEAMING with happiness :D

    because I remember the first time I ran a sub 30min 3 miler and tears actually came down my eyes. CONGRATS!!!!!!!

    1. Ali thank you so much, that means so much to me. You are such an inspiration.

  2. Manda, You continue to impress me! You are kicking me into running too! I'm getting super excited right along with you. When and where is your half?

    1. Thanks Pepper, I am so glad you have been running. It is the last week of May in Bend OR.
